National Pooling Administrator
Tools - Archives, Quarterly Tip - 2015 - April

Quarterly Pooling Tip – April 2015

Disconnecting LRN records in the BIRRDS database on pooled code returns

When a pooled code is returned, the PA checks to see if there are any LRNs assigned in the NPAC to the returning code holder. If the returning code holder has an LRN assigned within the code in the NPAC, NANPA will deny the return. If the returning code holder does not have an LRN assigned within the code and there are assigned blocks or ported TNs to another service provider, the PA will request a new code holder. However, if the returning code holder does not disconnect any LRNs in BIRRDS prior to submitting the code return, then the remaining LRN record may cause issues for both the returning code holder and the new code holder upon the transfer or reassignment of the code.

It is the returning code holder’s responsibility to have its AOCN disconnect any LRN records in BIRRDS prior to submitting the code disconnect request.

For more information please refer to Sections 2.17 and 3.1 of the COCAG Appendix C, on the ATIS/ INC website (

If you have any questions, please contact the Number Pooling Customer Support at 1-866-NEUPOOL or

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