National Pooling Administrator
Tools - Archives, Quarterly Tip - 2016 - July

Block Preference

A service provider has the ability to check the contamination level of a block preference via the NPAC prior to selecting the available block as a preference on a block request. This step will help with verifying the contamination level prior to the block assignment.

If you choose to check the contamination level after the block is received or do not select a block preference please check the block that you receive in the NPAC for the contamination level per Section 4.4 o) of the TBPAG which states that, “verify in the NPAC which TNs are assigned in any contaminated thousands-block received from the PA to avoid duplicate TN assignments. The preferred method of contaminated TN verification relies on NPAC, but use of one's own LSMS (Local Service Management System) is also acceptable.”

If an SP comes across an available block that is over 10% contaminated please notify the Pooling Administrator.

If you have any questions, please contact the Number Pooling Customer Support at 1-866-NEUPOOL or

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