National Pooling Administrator
Did You Know?
You can make a suggestion to us at any time. Click on the PAS suggestion link and let us know what you would like to see.

Provides historical information relating to pooling.

Help is on the way! Look here for answers to commonly asked questions.

The Glossary is an informational list of commonly used acronyms, and definitions that have been gathered from multiple sources including the FCC, ATIS, NANPA, NPAC and industry forums.

New Service Provider Checklist (PDF)
The New Service Provider Checklist is a tool provided to new Service Providers that has helpful tips and pointers to assist SPs in navigating the many steps necessary in getting started with requesting block and full NXX assignments in pooled NPAs.

New To Pooling
A list of helpful tips to assist new service providers in getting
started with the pooling process.

PAS Suggestions
Provides users with information on submitting suggestions for possible enhancements to the Pooling Administration System (PAS).

Problem Resolution Process
The PA Problem Resolution Process outlines the steps to be taken to resolve problems involving Pooling Administrator, using our supervisory escalation process. It also provides instructions for filing a formal complaint.

Quarterly Pooling Tips
The Quarterly Pooling Tips provides helpful information for carriers regarding the pooling process and serves as a useful reference on processes for regulators.

State Safety Valve Process Quick Sheet (PDF)
A matrix of safety valve process information by state.

Training Videos
Training videos are instructional videos on pooling processes.